Mar 11, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Secessionist movements won't occur unless people are really backed into a wall and revert to their primal levels of identity (probably racial). Since the US's ability to export infinity dollars will come to an end in the next 20 years or so US elites will either:

1. Start an insane suicidal war with China to desperately keep the system going which will likely involve nukes and millions dead.

2. Loose the ability to govern with such high deficits and parasitic relationships with military, financial and pharmaceutical companies that waste billions of dollars that the entire system collapses and they flee to New Zealand.

They're really trying to get 1 to work but I think 2 is more likely. Even the leftist (economic not woke) Michael Hudson thinks there will be fighting between groups based of racial and geographic lines.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

On her best day, MTG is a preening moron. Generally, she's just a moron. In the popular mind, 'secession' means different things to different people. Deep down, it's a process and that process is different for every situation. But it starts with secession in the heart. And, being a Boomer, I think I can say with some confidence that the Boomers are the demographic most ego-invested in 'exceptionalism'. As the Boomers fade into non-existence, so too will the appeal of 'exceptionalism'. For good reason, those who come after us are less attracted to - or moved by - the symbols and rhetoric of 'exceptionalism'. The ruling class will have to work some other angle in order to keep the centrifugal forces inside their multi-racial anti-national empire from spinning out of control.

Looked at as a process, 'secession' is already happening via nullification. The Tenth Amendment Center is a good source for what's going on in the area of nullification in the US. People may have a sentimental attachment to 'the Union' but this is balanced by the American tendency toward anarchism as a political culture, a culture that becomes more pronounced the farther West you go until you cross the Rocky Mountains.

There is this tendency on the Right to think in terms of drama and theater, big moments and big personalities. As Rolo points out, Marxists tend to think in terms of processes that move toward critical moments. A different view is to look for processes that don't lead to a critical moment but that nonetheless either exploit - or are the source of - crisis.

There is unhappiness with the situation, but since 'one size fits all' is the source of much of that unhappiness, don't look for 'one size fits all' solutions coming from genuine dissidents.

The folks in Texas, Utah, Wyoming and Tennessee are creating the infrastructure to support a separate precious metal currency are not leftists or rightists. They're just practical people who think 'hard money' is better money and are sick of the adverse effects of the Federals Reserve's monetary policy. But running your own state currency is a radical act of '5G secession'.

The people creating 'Second Amendment Sanctuary' zones are very serious about opposing the Feds.

The kind of thing that matters is not the thing that the DC/NYC/LA nexus want to advertise. That's why it's little recognized.

I predict the movement that unravels 'America' isn't going to be 'the party of the vanguard' that opposes 'America' but a vanguard of political technicians who are, themselves, part of the people who have a different version of 'America'.

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I wholeheartedly concur with everything in this article. The US ruling class is comfortably in control of the American nation and every other nation in its empire. Furthermore, any emerging thought-leaders can and will be quickly identified and neutralised. The era of mass electronic surveillance has closed the book on popular uprisings, probably forever.

The thermal exhaust port of the US rulers is their need for a constant and abundant supply of cheddar to pay for all this. When the money dries up, the Praetorians go home. That's why their only nightmare scenario is the end of the petro-dollar.

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Correct. Even having the conversation is irredeemably and virulently raycis and therefore immoral to all right-thinking-persons.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

I was browsing the comments on some jewtube video where some Russian soy guzzler who ran to Georgia was explaining how Russian propaganda is worse than Western. In the comments beside calling the Russian homo so brave people were saying stuff like "in America protesting is actually encouraged, in fact my university professors actively encourage protesting whereas in Russia you will be sent to jail for standing up to the authorities".

In other words "I totally did some BLM protests and protested for even more unrestricted access to abortion, I didnt get arrested so therefore America #1 even though its a racist fascist theocracy at least it isnt russia"

Thats shitlib American exceptionalism. Just absolutely brain dead, non reflective windup dolls. If shitlibs are a combination of messianic fever and the absence of any capacity for autonomous thought Conservatives are just being smothered under the weight of their ideology which they share with the shitlibs. That being racial egalitarianism of course. It wasn't Europeans who made America and the constitution it was the constitution that made America with lots of help from jews and POCs who loved the constitution. By golly if the US Constitution made America once it can do it again and we just gotta vote harder for the guy that loves the constitution. If they are being smothered under the weight of their ideology than the constitution is the dead god they expect to be resurrected and fix everything if you follow this voting formula according the constitutions priest like Ben Shapiro and Hannity. Its classic idolatry where the creators seriously attribute magic godlike powers to the thing they made.

Of course Rolo is correct that its not the peasants and proles fault. Both shitlibs and conservatives could be mobilized to better ends with proper leadership and direction. Essays wont do it though. Shitlibs literally cant even when it comes critical analysis and Conservatives need an outright prophet to lead them out of the desert. For 75-80% of them whatever reflection they get from your essays cant compete with nightly Tucker Carlson+that POC that loves the constitution+if all else fails did you see that balloon over there?

Unfortunately the modern anarcho tyrannical police state absolutely has murdering the prophets down to a science. That pretty much leaves your only option if you are in the West as coming out of the whore and riding out Armageddon.

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IMO, it's over.

The left won.

I mean, there are logical consequences.

Believe in god fall since 5 centuries. With God out, no more father above us. "Only the sky", sang Lennon. Equalitarianism is the consequence of atheism.

Even if scientific discoveries tend to enhance existence of God (the biblical one, look at reasonstobelieve site and Hugh Ross' conferences on youtube), science moves are slow, and as a giant cargo, zeitgest is still on the left.

I stopped to believe in electoral victories after Trump. I stopped to believe in popular revolt after covid.

Even going back to a timid centre-right politics as 1979 woud be considerate as "nazi" on our crazy today.

The only answer is to focus on our own personnal lives, make money, helping our beloved and let crazyness going untill her un-avoidable crash.

The second necessary thing is to maintain and develop a solid doctrine for the after-crash period.

China, Russia, brown people, white people, USA, Europe, Latin America : all are going further left, decades after decades. All are atheist (or dumb islam), materialistic and tiktokists.

We don''t escape to this downward movement. I'm always astonished by the level of culture, knowledge of people which wrote books in the 19th century (tx to internet to allow access to those wonderful books***). We are far less cultured than those people.

***thanks to archive.org and google books.

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People who think there is a solution, like a takeover of?, to the dead end of hierarchy are only fooling themselves. The peasants that lived avoided the morass, the ones that fought the hierarchy were persecuted at best doesn't matter which side won the day.

Peasants knew how to take care of themselves, you know, like maybe the most important aspect was grow the food they and everyone else ate. The fascist enemy now controls the food supplies.

There are close enough to no peasants that there are no peasants therefore you blame nothing. Like you blame the next to none existing neoliberals, you are a part of the opposing mass formation scheme to hide the truth: Collapse of the hierarchy is inevitable and the ability to pay the bills using words will be capoot!

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"I suppose the COVID hoax also took up all their time and attention. But why they didn’t hitch the red states resisting the COVID lockdowns to a regional secession agenda is beyond me.

Intellectual and just run-of-the-mill cowardice, I suppose."

1. Habitual lack of agency, general culture of compliance, trust in authority etc.

2. Lack of imagination - unable to conceive of anything involving truly substantive change. The world is fixed (problem with one god metaphysic).

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America is the reason why Russia has not gone full globo homo, ironically we should be grateful to washington. Putin would have joined the EU a long time ago if not for the warhawks who prohibited germany from getting into bed with russia.

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In a pre-divorce situation, my church always advises marriage counseling.

The ordinary result of our marriage counseling is that both sides are finally made to confront and reveal the secrets they have withheld from each other for so long. They often agree to forgive each other, and the marriage is saved.

If we cannot do something similar in politics, a meltdown of some sort is almost assured. An actual split is problematic, as many Red states contain Blue cities. If certain forces had their way, America would descend into a state of chronic civic disorder, as has happened in many places south of us. Healing this divide in some sort of sensible way would be a huge step forward for our country. The chance of it seems small.

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Secession is just another right wing fantasy cope that allows white boys not to come to terms with the threat level.

There won't be a sufficient percentage of white people voting to secede until it is too late and non whites already have a good thing going now: preferential treatment and get more from the government than pay into it via taxes.

A lot of the right of divide types who are convinced secession is right around the corner are the same ones who have let their schools be taken over by the woke.

Only a few things unite Americans and they include most children everywhere getting to learn in school:

+ the joys of anal sex and genital mutilation

+ how diversity may be our greatest strength

+ we can't save ourselves from climate change unless we band together to stop cow farts.

Reality is life is still good for most people. The ruling class wants to change that as they loot the country but as the standard of living declines, the oppression rises. Besides the new paperwork Americans come from societies filed with corruption and economic problems so they will be more accepting.

You are right that people need a leader and the ruling class is very good about not letting a real leader who threatens them emerge.

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splitting up on the basis of Uniparty affiliation isn't going to help the bunch of us who don't agree with either "side" of the Republicrats.

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Reminds me all of a snippet of truth on wikipedia ...

I said it years ago, they achieved a homo sovieticus in the US that would make the former old red SU mummies envy it.


The "Soviet man" is characterised by his tendency to follow the authority of the state in its assessment of reality, to adopt an attitude of mistrust and anxiety towards anything foreign and unknown, and is convinced of his own powerlessness and inability to affect the surrounding reality; from here, it is only a step towards lacking any sense of responsibility for that reality. His suppressed aggression, birthed by his chronic dissatisfaction with life, his intense sense of injustice and his inability to achieve self-realisation, and his great envy, all erupt into a fascination with force and violence, as well as a tendency towards "negative identification" – in opposition to "the enemy" or "the foreigner". Such a personality suits a quasi-tribal approach to standards of morality and law (the things "our people" have a right to do are condemned in the "foreigner").

— "Conflict-dependent Russia. The domestic determinants of the Kremlin's anti-western policy", Maria Domańska

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The US will collapse from within by a race war, they can't escape it. Abraham Lincoln and other US presidents foresaw this problem a long time ago. Even Goebbels noted at it. Just look at the anti white hatred being whipped up today, no matter how much whites cuck out and cater to black and minorities. You can never make them happy. Even if you give them your daughters,money and possesion they still want you dead. Because they want to be like you but they can't. Its a deep seethed hatred that is being exploited by the rulers. The only strong advantage American whites still have is that they are armed to the teeth, which you cant say for Europeans and the commonwealth. Dangerous times we live in.

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I used to follow Gregory Hood but he lost me with his endorsement of Laura Loomer. He's a bit too much in the "looks white to me " camp, if you catch my drift. I much prefer Dr. Andrew Joyce, I believe Paul Craig Roberts might as well based on his referencing a link to a particular site you mentioned in a prior post .

Seems some commenters resent the use of the word "peasant". May I suggest "the lumpenprole, barely functioning retards who are products of generations of dysgenic breeding habits"?

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Rolo, you are an optimist at heart.

This situation may never resolve itself, it may simply become worse and worse and worse still.

First the overfly countryside simply fall so much into disrepair that it becomes a no-go zone. A lawless area that is for all intent and purpose no longer America. These zones grow and merge until the USA consist of only a handful of city states with some area around them, but without overland connections to each other.

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