Sep 21, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I trust nor Stelkov neither CCCPshaker.

I'm not a doomer neither a "muh russophobia/satanitc western nazi crusaders".

I think there is no doubt Russia will win this war, than Russia did careful by political reasons (don't burn to the ground a country you entend to annex). I even think Russia know the Kharkov plan and let Ukraine doing it. But I also think Russia did it because she haven't enough soldiers.

That's said, I'm negatively surprised by the number of losses on ukro, as said Choïgou. Only 60 000 is very poor, considering there must be 1 million left. OK, the best part is in the 60 000 but still...

Here in France, big forums considers Russia having a "bum army", with zimbabwean material/corruption, an high-dregree of alcoolism and incompetent generals. Bla bla bla.

On the other side, the 2 Andreis think Russia is like alien sci-fi army which could destroy America/China (and even Roman empire, why not) in a second. Okay...

My position : I think Russia have scientific adventage on hypersonics, but I have no clues how much missiles they have.

I don't know too why they use so few their airforce. But I belive ukro airforce is destroyed.

All that to saying, between doomer sites and hurra sites, it's difficut to find good analysis. Even if you're a bit too much doomerist for me, you're the best !

PS : as a royalist, I think Vladimir should restore Monarchy, but not with a Romanov : with himself, and an adopted male heir. Long live to emperor Vladimir, third of his name, king of the Russians, the Ruthens, the Tartars, and...other peoples !

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I can't help but be reminded of the beginning of the SMO when everyone thought it would be over in a couple days. We couldn't imagine anything other than a military invading in a blitzkrieg fashion indiscriminately destroying infrastructure without regard for human life. The US killed 1 million in Afghanistan and no one even knows/cares because that's how we're conditioned to think of war.

Putin in contrast is way too nice which NATO will never give him credit for. I can't help but wonder if these baby escalations will at some point be too much for Ukraine or whether NATO will be able to match them. Theoretically Putin should be able to outdo Ukraine with the sheer size of the Russian army.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

And Russia just at the same time tightened up some draft-dodger laws. ..... Not sure if that's good. It seems that if you can kick out western propagandists and keep the media real, that you should be able to trust in your citizenry enough to decide for themselves if they want fight or not.

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How little we realize how America lost every war. Since WW2, America absolutely kicks ass. There is no way to stop the onslaught. So the defending armies disappear. Then fight from the ditches the mountains and deserts in small groups winning the hearts and minds of the people who hate the invaders dventually kicking American ass to the street

Maybe Putin believes a long protracted war is the way to win the war. Slowly crush their spirit. Grind the defenders into dust until complete surrender.

Just a thought. And Putin is already winning the economic war. He has outsmarted NATO at every turn.

Putin awaits winter in Europe. Whee he gets to shut down western economic engines and freeze the Europeans in the dark. How many LNG tankers will it take to heat Europe. Soon to be hungry, cold and very pissed off.

So what is the rush.

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until putin names the jew nobody can take him seriously

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All people in the world who oppose elitism, dictatorship, and military aggression are opposed to the US/NATO hegemon. By default, they must now support Putin and Russia. Others will not make a stand, but they refuse to turn against Russia, who has stood by many former victims of colonialism. But there is a third group too.

There are millions of Canadians, Americans, Australians, and New Zealanders who also support Putin. Here in Australia, where our North has been annexed as the unrepresented 51st state, and dominated by 8 military installations and spy and navigation relay bases, we long for a decisive Russian victory because only then may we hope to rid ourselves of the American Empire. We also want the Raytheon missile base removed.

Apparently, few citizens of other nations are aware that MI6 and the CIA jointly took Australia by coup in 1975, sacking tyhe Whitlam Government. We have suffered under an oppressive puppet government ever since. So here is to Putin and victory and an end to the American Empire.

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Would it make any difference at all? Putin still is half-hearted so called rescue ethnic Russians in Ukraine and de-nazification of Ukraine. He does not even give a shit on Russians in other countries like in the Baltic countries. Putin is freemason and a WEF mole? He is coordinating all with the CFR for this depopulation agenda. If he is really onboard on depopulation, make sure he takes out all the command centers of NATO starting with the WEF in Davos, Switzerland, the NATO headquarters in Belgium, Washington, DC and Hidden Bases across the U.S. including in Denver, CO.

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I suspect the reasoning (from what I have heard from people like Andrei Martyanov https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/?m=1) is that it is part of a broader strategic plan, sure tactically it doesn't make sense but it ain't just Ukraine your fighting but NATO itself and the only way to beat that isn't just with a straight up scrap but via its economy.

Much like in terms the Chinese call it, Unrestricted Warfare, you may win battles (and that looks good for TV and propaganda ect) but much like USA in Vietnam and Korea it ends with a loss because you haven't beaten the enemy at the strategic and operational level.

Think Nazi Germany, sure it was beating the Soviets from 1941 to 1943 but failed miserably from 44 to 45. Strategy not tactics will win.

Also if your wanting a bit of reading via Substack on some more strategic level of thinking I can suggest Tree of Woe specifically his Next World World series.



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I’m glad Putin hasn’t sold out as many feared at the back of their mind. So at this point I must say that it is very convenient mobilization was declared before the referendums. There does seem to be some level of 5d chess, they clearly don’t feel that the population could have handled a Stalinist approach and are really trying to baby and hold the hand of the Russian people walking through this crisis, how effectively is subjective I guess. Opinion Polls behind the scenes seem to be running in strict order.

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Please tell me these 3 sluts are a very rare exception


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Removed (Banned)Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022
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