Always interesting to hear about what's going on in the political fringes of other countries. The way you start of describing the Russian right makes it very clear that most of it's problems had to do with not having a clear positive identity. If you use opposition to something to define your political clique then you will inevitably attract a broad swathe of people but with very diverging and contradictory goals. I agree with libertarians that gun control is stupid but they rally around a bizarre kind of "free market" purity where they think that large corporations monopolizing resources and scamming everybody is "freedom". Libertarianism itself has very bizarre and contradictory factions within it, but they're basically all drug addicted pedophiles anyway.

No matter what country you're in, the Right needs a positive identity of some kind that is internally consistent and encompasses almost every important issue, probably a sort of conservative, Christian-ish nationalism.

P.S. I don't know how you could kill yourself with a badass last name like "Pogrom" lol

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"We need to stop borrowing our thinking from the West and trying to graft it onto our own society."

You could start by abandoning the divisive categories of "Left" and "Right" and realize that the real division in society is between the common people and the elites, who assume the mantle previously worn by royalty, and who maintain their position by pitting one faction of the common people against another.

I would start with a position that emphasizes Reason, backed by authentic scientific inquiry, and see what kind of support you attract. Probably not much, given the extreme polarization of the current body politic, but it's the only party I'd ever join. As I see it, it matters very little which of the current ideologies prevails, because in either case they'll be co-opted by an elite, and turned into a caricature of their original intent, if not an actual tool of oppression.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

This piece has been published on Unz. Among others there is an interesting comment by an anonymous, on how Russia does not really need any nationalists, having been an Empire since the times of the Muscovite Grand-Princedom. I don't buy his geopolitical predictions but these are just peripheral points to his main one.

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