More of this type of content please, Rolo. There are a lot of Russians in my area and I always chat them up once I hear then talking to each other in hushed tones to avoid being spotted. They usually tell me they are Ukrainian or Serbian before I tell them they are amongst a friend. Last guy I met told me he owned an "optical fiber" business in Russia which I assume means fiber optics but he can't get parts now due to sanctions . We get to talking about Solzhenitsyn and he told me Gulag Archipelago was his favorite book so I asked him what he thought about 200 Years Together, his reply "never heard of it, who wrote it? ". Is that book banned there? He had to look it up online and ordered a copy to be sent to his local address here. Also, he had no idea about the ethnicity of the Shock Doctrine oligarchs., including Abramovich. The guy has a mechanical engineering degree from a prestigious European university and owns a successful business so his lack of knowledge is not due to low IQ peasantry, the suppression must be media , govt and education related chicken swinger mandate.

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Roger Waters was put on the same boat as Strelkov. Roger Waters is under official police investigation because he did an anti-fascist show. In reality, he is under investigation for defying the zionists, like Strelkov is doing. Notice the Ukrainians soldiers with the swastikas get American funding but Waters might get jail? The question is not about Fascism, it is about World Zionist Rule.

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The moment VVP has announced, that he wants to "denazify" I knew we are backing into a dead-end street.

Yeah, I know, I know - 26 million Soviet casualties and mabbe the single dogwhistle, that could actually serve for some sort of a unifying ideology for contemporary Russia - for the time being...

But that time has passed. The clock is ticking, the fratricide has no end in sight - and people are starting to ask the only reasonable question: Like WTF is REALLY going on here? I know, Mr VVP, you have stated, that we have not even started yet - well, what are we waiting for? Just so I can get my affairs in order...

When an (((Abramovits))), a special envoy of the RF, buys out the Azovites from under war-crimes charges and gifts them iphones and tiramisu...🤷‍♂️

How long has this been going on? What else are (((they))) lying about? And who are they anyway?

I know, most of ya don`t like to read - watch a documentary then, from the horse`s mouth, called Defamation.


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"As far as I am concerned, anti-Strelkov is a code-word for anti-Russian. All the 5D bloggers hate Strelkov even though Strelkov calls out the ethnic warmakers, decries the demographic replacement of Russians in their own homelands and tells the truth no matter how unpopular it may be..."

A phonomena existing in Russia as well as in the US is that the wealthy gangster-class, especially techno/fascists despise patriots/nationalists more than any other political demographic as they're considered a "genuine threat." The Leftist have long since been co-opted as seen during the scamdemic. The anti-imperialist "Chomsky Left" suddenly rejected the concept of bodily autonomy and demanded every worker lift up their sleeve for a clot shot. While cheerleading the lockdowns even though they caused "tiny" businesses to go bankrupt resulting in greater indigence and homelessness while trillions in tax dough were transferred to the most wealthy.

That being said, in the US five multinational corporations own most of the mainstream media news outlets, but corporate ownership does not mean you're not controlled by the national security state. I guess it's considered a public/private partnership.😁

Oh, and did I mention that Pfizer/the arms industry

funds most of the news via TV ads.

With this in mind, Joe Scarborough on MSNBC "Morning Joe," spent four hours last Friday in a wierdo tirade about how the "1/6 setup political prisoners" committed sedition and are dangerous flag carrying insurrectionists who must be imprisoned. He ranted on about how one troublemaker was sentenced to 18 years, and how one merely got four years for daring to put their feet on Pelosi's desk. OMG, what a crime against humanity. I wonder, if he noticed any chocolate designer ice-cream stains, or perhaps saw some cryptic notes citing insider trading tips. Anyway, according to Scarborough everyone of those deplorable disgusting 1/6 flag carrying freaks need to be hunted down by the FBI and thrown into jail immediately as they're true a threat to democracy and everything that's good and righteous about the US. This was followed by an harangue on how Zionist DeSantis/Trump are also a right-wing threat for brazenly mentioning that they'd pardon the 1/6 nationalist debris.

So wouldn't it appear Russia and the US share much in common, as both corrupt governments find it useful to protract the Ukraine mess, are inundated with apparatchiks who are thrilled by mRNA experimental toxins, and most importantly both posess a mainstream media news operation which is little more than a state-run propaganda garbage fabricator. And who even knows, if all of it is manufactured in the USA.🤔

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Well, the truth reveals itself in pictures these days beautifully ugly.

I am gong to say something that will not be popular, but in my view, the emperor has had no clothes for a long time now.

The truth is, both Russia and US and vassals fear the public conclusion, that WWII was fought against the wrong people, and that because of almost annihilating the Germans, who warned of these ethnic criminals, both countries now face the very similar problem of degeneration, warfare against their own people, and the threat of annihilation, if you are a "white supremeacist" which is code of Amalek, or in modern term "nazi".

You might want to look up the story of Amalek from the ethnic criminal perspective, its in their "holy texts".

They usually chose genocide like in Deuteronomy, what happened during so called "liberation from nazimsm" by firebombings and mass rapes, killing of animals, women, children, leave nothing alive. "denazification" and "reeducation".

Bottom line, we are dealing with a organized crime syndicate posing as religion today, race tomorrow, and whatever else they need to be the day after. They hold dear,, "values", all civilized peoples have outlawed, regard as taboo.

Funny observation, there used to be the Thuggee cult in India, who were allegedly wiped put by the east India company mercenaries/military. The closer look reveals they simply exported them, to Britain.

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Rolo - most of what's available of the Marquis de Sade's work today is forgery or scribblings of his days while imprisoned. But the 120 Days of Sodom is a masterpiece. Here's the opening ..


The extensive wars wherewith Louis XIV was burdened during his reign, while draining the State's treasury and exhausting the substance of the people, none the less contained the secret that led to the prosperity of a swarm of those bloodsuckers who are always on the watch for public calamities, which, instead of appeasing, they promote or invent so as, precisely, to be able to profit from them the more advantageously. The end of this so very sublime reign was perhaps one of the periods in the history of the French Empire when one saw the emergence of the greatest number of these mysterious fortunes whose origins are as obscure as the lust and debauchery that accompany them. It was toward the close of this period, and not long before the Regent sought, by means of the famous tribunal which goes under the name of the Chambre de Justice, to flush this multitude of traffickers, that four of them conceived the idea for the singular revels whereof we are going to give an account. One must not suppose that it was exclusively the low-born and vulgar sort which did this swindling; gentlemen of the highest note led the pack. The Duc de Blangis and his brother the Bishop of X_____, each of whom had thuswise amassed immense fortunes, are in themselves solid proof that, like the others, the nobility neglected no opportunities to take this road to wealth. These two illustrious figures, through their pleasures and business closely associated with the celebrated Durcet and the Président de Curval, were the first to hit upon the debauch we propose to chronicle, and having communicated the scheme to their two friends, all four agreed to assume the major roles in these unusual orgies.

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Isn't it impressive how a certain strain of wolf or rat manages to lead all the packs, even those claiming to oppose them?

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"Also, whenever Soloviev feels personally threatened he often falls back on his tried and true strategy of whining about some alleged historic event that no one can prove isn’t simply a figment of his feverish imagination."

Kevin MacDonald confirmed this point when discussing Jewish communal memory: “Non-Jews have a difficult time fathoming Jewish communal memory. For strongly identified Jews, the “vilely discriminatory” actions of immigration restrictionists are part of the lachrymose history of the Jewish people. Immigration restriction from 1924–1965 is in the same category as the Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., the marauding Crusaders of the Middle Ages, the horrors of the Inquisition, the evil of the Russian Czar, and the rationally incomprehensible calamity of Nazism. These events are not just images drawn from the dustbin of history. They are deeply felt images and potent motivators of contemporary behavior. As Michael Walzer noted, “I was taught Jewish history as a long tale of exile and persecution—Holocaust history read backwards.”"

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The depressing image of this total infestation and takeover everywhere of all layers and counterlayers of power and control reminds of those sadistic fauci puppies experiments, tied down while getting eaten alive by fleas. The tribe in its final triumph and reign over a chapter 11, apathic, degenerate mankind. Bravo!

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Riley has covered the aardvark demon gintsburg, his magic non-existent ebola cure. His tribesmen praising him for being the new moses, leading russians out of viral tyranny to the sputnik promised land.

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Prigozhin said that Putin's main concern is handing out medals and social visits. What is Rolo's opinion of putting Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna on the throne to do the ceremonial things? Then maybe Putin will have time to actually do something useful.

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The ethnic crminal Prigozhin is new Trotskiy and deserve same fate. Or it will be too late.

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so be generous with your links. we, the ignorant westerners trying to learn will follow them. we'll read google translations.... some clues... some links to follow... stuff that's old history and background to you might be kinda 'essential reading' for us.. right?

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Very to-the-point analysis...more "goyem" should know and understand this, unfortunately it does not look they do or will...

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For those interested in New Testament scholarship and Marcion's scripture, and academic publishing, here is a thought provoking video:


It seems that computer analysis is demolishing authorship and historical claims. When this becomes better known the remaining normies in the pews may become a bit restive. There seems to be a three letter word which describes those who control and profit from academic publishing - but they are too discreet to use it.

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It's all Strelkov's fault, if he stayed quiet in 2014 imagine all those Donbass/Russian lives saved...

I really hope not, but I think this time Russia is really RIPped.

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