Nov 17, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Hello Rolo,

Corruption is a problem everywhere but it matters only when it cripples the functions of the state or of an important institution. In the USA, the Joint Strike Fighter / F-35 programme is a major problem not because of the astronomical sums embezzled, but because the fighter plane has subpar performance, which puts the American air supremacy in jeopardy. The US Air Force is saddled with this problem for the next 20 years at least. Needless to say the Pentagon, the politicians and the neocons are furious but cannot do much.

Similarly corruption did cripple the government of the tsar. Over time the competent ministers were pushed out by the profiteers until the last police forces and the Cossacks refused to fight for them. Not much of a masonic coup there as the sheer weakness of the tsar who let go of the competent and kept the thieves. The masons took advantage of the collapse of the tsar's government and of the abdication but they were not the cause.

Under Putin, the ministry of defence performed where the political pressure asked them to perform, i.e. in the development of hypersonic missiles and very long range torpedoes and in improving the air defences of Russia (S-400, S-500, etc). Elsewhere large scale theft has been the rule, with the consequence that most of the army was poorly equipped and trained, but it went unnoticed until the attack on Ukraine. Similarly the FSB performed where the political pressure asked them to perform, i.e. in the surveillance of the population.

The large state companies, Rosneft, Gazprom, Rosatom, Rosoboronexport, function fairly well because Putin wanted them to, put the right people in charge, and supported them. The Russian government badly needed these companies to be functional for income and for essential technology development.

Could Putin and his government have obtained less overall corruption and provision of adequate equipment for the army ? Could they have cleaned up the bureaucracy and made it function properly ? I believe not. They had choices to make. In the late 1990's and early 200's they had to build a power base both in Moscow and in the regions. Parts of the state and many regions were left to be preyed on. From what you described, the Donbass was one of the them. Now these people have their own henchmen and client networks. The clean-up is hard and attempts at doing it would endanger Putin and his government.

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The key to understanding what is happening in the world today, is to realize that as far as the global elite are concerned, countries no longer exist - but that they have to lay on an endless theatrical performance for the masses, who are not aware that their countries no longer exist in any meaningful sense - and who would rise up against their governments if they understood that those governments could not give a damn about their own countries.

Thus, at the last WEF meeting, Karl Schwab in the closing speech, stressed that 'we' have the power to force the WEF agenda through - and that the meeting participants must put aside considerations of how that agenda will impact their own countries - and instead adhere rigidly to the WEF plan for humanity.

The elites of Russia are guided by an identical world view, and personal priorities, as the elites of Washington DC, London, Bonn or anywhere else you care to think of - characterised by a belief that the days of independent countries are long gone,; that global problems require a single World Government; and that their global club, where what country each member comes from is an irrelevance, greatly benefit by cooperating together to maximize their own personal wealth.

Since the politicians of all mainstream parties in most countries share this view, and since all mainstream media is controlled by the global cabal, the politicians and deep state players of all countries realize that there is now absolutely nothing to stop them enriching themselves by corruption on a grand scale which previously in Western countries particularly would previously have been unthinkable - for the simple reason that there is no one who could expose their crimes!

This realization by the elites that there is no longer any limit to the scale of corruption that they can engage in has been accompanied over recent decades by the creation and concentration of enormous amounts of wealth among the global oligarch class - Bill Gates et al.

Since the global corporations and oligarchs have far more money and power than national governments, the politicians - basically all massively corrupt - now simply perform the job of being the front men for those global corporations and oligarchs in the politicians' respective countries - pretending that their respective countries still exist, and pretending that they are opposed to this or that country or group of countries - when the reality is that this is all just a piece of theatre laid on for the masses by the global predator class.

There is no conflict between the Putin & Co. and the West - but they have to pretend that there is, because Putin and Russia's job is to be cast as the bad guys causing (for example) energy prices to go through the roof, while actually, Putin & Co. invaded Ukraine to perform the essential role of providing a pretext for the global cabal to drive energy prices skywards, which is a key part of their preparations for the Great Reset.

It's a piece of theatre, I'm sorry to say - a series of mass deception operations including the 'Covid crisis', the fake Covid 'vaccines'; the 'carbon crisis' and 'net zero'; the Ukraine war: they're all just 'Narratives' (as the global cabal calls them) to con the masses across the world into believing that only by doing XYZ can the world cope with these totally fictional crisis - and of course, the function of these crisis is to pass ever more money and power into the hands of the global cabal.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The elites and managerial class of all countries want to benefit where they can from the American Empire but in most of the non white world there doesn't seem to be a desire to hand over control of their country to the globalists. The non white world seems to try and walk a fine line between capitalizing on the empire and avoiding its sanctions while moving away from it with Brics+ and other agendas.

The elite and managerial class of the White world though seems unified in wanting some form of the Great Reset. Maybe the difference is that non White countries see the empire as almost all White people (most outside of Muslims think of Jews as simply more White people). That might prevent them from feeling they will get to be full members of the new global regime.

My guess is the Russian elite and managerial class, just like the elite and managerial class in nearly all White countries, see fellow Whites leading the American Empire and the Great Reset and think that they can blend right in as equal partners.

If the American Empire's Jewish overlords hadn't so desperately wanted war with Russia and submission of Germany at any cost, the Great Reset would have had a lot more chance of succeeding at least in the White world. Now I wonder if the economic meltdown of Germany, UK and other EU countries will cause the White and Fellow White elite of other countries to reassess the grand future that awaits them with the Great Reset.

Maybe not. People are herd animals and the party is still going strong in the Empire at least for now.

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How would you define liberalism first and foremost ? I don't notice many people advocating for gender transitions, gay marriage and population-replacing immigration here in the Motherland.

If you talk about corruption, yes, many чиновников use their power and the money attributed to them by the State exclusively for their egoistic purposes. But what it has to do with Liberalism ? At the contrary, it seems to me that it is a behavior inherited from the communist times, where nobody could be accounted for their misuse of State funds. The capitalist system however sanctions this misuse, but since the чиновники get their money directly from the State, there is no such control.

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Incidental corruption or coordinated sabotage?

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The article and your comments in it are insightful. The danger from within for Russia is much greater than the external threats. Liberalism is a mental disease which acts like a terrible social cancer. It spreads, enervates and eventually destroys the healthy. Violence is not the answer but imprisonment of its worst perpetra(I)tors is a must for the sake of national survival.

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The author of the article in RIA is Petr Akopov, a Russian Armenian.

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Thanks for this. You've provided quite a spread of food for thought, going to take a couple sessions to consume and digest it all.

It looks like the meal won't be finished until quite a few mystery courses are served up though...

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ok I skimmed the rest. So Jews aren't just leather jacketed gangsters (and tax officials leaving their leather jackets at home) in Russia now? Because I kind of liked their place in 2005 unless you got caught by them on a train

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"as was Orthodoxy (not popular enough to convince people to attend those boring and long services, but in general)"


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