Nov 24, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Vladlen Tatarskys update today brought up a good point in regards to Russias mobilization problems.


Now I know that the Chechnyans contribution to the SMO is vastly overstated and Marko at AE has gone over that quite a bit. However Vladlen correctly points out that the Chechnyan administration does in fact go all out to make sure that the guys they send to the warzone are very well equipped. Its not just that Moscow makes sure the Chechnyans are well equipped because Moscow is cucked, everyone from Kadyrov on down in the Chechnyan administration prioritizes making sure their fighters have everything they need. So yes we can accurately state that Kadyrov is just taking money that is given to him from Moscow and giving it to his troops, but contrast that with the mobiki from the regions who are sent poorly equipped because their governers just dont care to begin with and would rather not part with any of their loot what so ever.

Of course the Chechnyans likely have more loot from Moscow to give their guys, but that doesn't change the fact that the heads of the regions arent doing anything to equip the mobiki properly. Sure maybe the region heads wouldn't be able to outfight their guys like the Chechnyans even if they wanted to, but sending guys without rucksacks, shovels, medkits etc just telegraphs indifference. Vladlen also points out that every week representatives from Grozny show up in person to the front to check up on the status of their troops and if the commanders of the Chechnyan battalions need anything they can call Grozny directly. Needless to say the Russian governors have no interest at all on checking up on their guys at the front after sending them there with piss poor preparation in the 1st place.

So again Im not trying to make some Chechnya strong apologetic but Vladlens point stands on its own merit. There is no denying that Chechnyan administration despite being a parasite on Russia in general actually gives a sh1t about its own at the front way more than the Russian regions do their own. I read somewhere else that Kadyrov bought 100s of quadracopters for his guys right after their utility became obvious with his own money. Now one could correctly say "yeah but that was just money given to him by Moscow anyway" but alright...what about the money that Russias region heads are undoubtedly embezzling? They couldn't spare any of their own kick backs and stolen funds for their mobiki? They couldn't sell one of their villas or yachts to make sure their own guys have some useful gear?

It seems Kadyrov understands crystal clear that if Moscow loses this his own position will be extremely precarious because he is part of the current elite. The region heads and the rest of russias wealthy elite apparently still dont understand this. I guess Kadyrov gets that its victory, death or standing trial for warcrimes in the Hauge. The rest of the confused and willfully blind Russian elite still dont get this.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

What do you think?

Putin expresses regret over Donbass during meeting with the mothers of soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

Please tell me the last time a US leader conceded he had made a mistake, and mourned the loss of innocent lives because of it. We have the famous Madeline Albright comment when asked about the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children … “It was worth it”.

Reunification with Russia should probably have happened earlier, the president told the mothers of soldiers

“There might not have been so many casualties among civilians, there would not be so many children killed,” the Russian leader suggested. He maintained, however, that back in 2014, Russia did not have a full understanding of the situation in Donbass or of the true sentiments of the locals.

“[We] believed that we might still be able to reach an agreement and … reunify Donetsk and Lugansk with Ukraine within … the Minsk Agreements,” Putin noted, adding that Russia was “genuinely working towards that.”

Commenting on the matter further, the president blamed the 2014 coup in Kiev for the subsequent crisis in Donbass and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. “If not for the coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, none [of this] would have happened,” he said.


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Someone should assemble a Tabletop Book featuring hapless and obvious government liars. Baghdad Bob could be on the cover and we could learn more about HRC, Susan Rice, Adam Schiff, Dick Cheney (and his daughter), every member of the Biden administration, and all the perverts that now run our military. If Peskov ever decides to escape from Russia, he'll find plenty of jobs available for him in Washington, DC or with the US television networks.

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The ''wind of change'' smells strangely like pomoika in spite of constant insistance otherwise.

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"Russia didn’t have time to train the recruits that were badly needed on the front,.."

The recruits have served before. They should have all the skills they need. What training is necessary? Shouldn't a few days suffice?

Sure, if weapon systems have changed since they served, things might be different, but I assume that the Russian forces are still using equipment the mobilized recruits are familiar with. Is this assumption wrong?

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Either become America's bitch and succumb to the Satan's rule or be free. There is no middle ground. Russia cannot choose both, all of the above, etc (as if one is taking an exam in school). What would Jesus do for Russia? Would Russians the WEF dictator Putin remove from his tyrannical grip on Russia? Putin the moderate(according to Martin Armstrong the forecaster)? Oxymoron. It is more likely Putin the Stooge for the WEF. The Russian bear only says blah, blah, blah… More words No action. Would Russian bear become paper bear ( or paper tiger like the U.S.), Care Bear mascot for the WEF, grizzly bear that everyone fears about? I think it is like between paper bear and WEF care bear. There is nothing wrong becoming America’s bitch and suck someone’s dick if that is Russians want.

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Peskov reminds of Keitel, who was taken lightly in some other dictator's inner circle.

Off-topic, I just found this video now a few weeks old, with the interesting as always takes of Spencer on the war and on Russia, if anyone has half an hour to spare


TL,DR: the war shakes the world out of its 80-years-long torpor; Russia outside the 2 big cities is a gloomy place with gloomy people. The Kremlin is not interested in defending the European autochthonous population and its traditions, but instead regards the West as the ultimate enemy. Moscow is actually happy with the current internal situation in Europe and the US, which is plunging them in the maximum strife and chaos.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

A second large wave of call-ups would likely depend on whether Putin want to take more land or be happy with what Russia has now. If there is a cease-fire tomorrow Russia wins because it ends up with more land. There are enough troops to dig in and hold what they got.

Does Putin want a cease-fire or more land?

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Speaking of mobilization, have you any take on the colonel - top guy in training/recruitment it seems - who was recently apparently suicided? (Or is "5 shots" some sort of suicide world record?!)

Recall: "military coup" - and me asking "you got any good colonels? ( typically the most likely cohort for that sort of thing) - ha! - maybe he was a good colonel?

= =

Colonel Vadim Boyko Bio – Colonel Vadim Boyko Wiki

Vadim Boyko who specialized in working with the mobilized is reported to have committed suicide. After 4 shots to the chest.

Colonel Vadim Boyko, 44, who had been involved in the mobilisation campaign, reportedly had “multiple bullet wounds”. He was deputy head of the prestigious  Makarov Pacific Higher Naval School in Vladivostok.

It was reported he came to work, entered his office, and soon afterwards five shots were heard. Another officer heard the shots and then rushed to find Boyko –


= =

Have not read this closely yet - but I did watch the full nine minutes of those poor recruits - I suggest others do the same - and then come back to the issue of what point is served by more recruits? - so they can cry out to their relatives - their relatives! - in Russia to come save them? I say Russia should develop a proper officer class and come back some other decade and try again!

So "Hohols" is slang for Ukrainians? - as in Nicolai Gogol ? (so transliterated into English) - the famous 19C some say Ukrainian, others say Russian novelist. Dead Souls indeed!

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I love reading your alternative viewpoints, Rolo. It would be most interesting if the men at the Duran, who seldom if ever bring up Putin's mishandling of the war, invited you to do a livestream.

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